Qualification and Repair Services from SAI

Infusion pumps need to be kept in good working order. This is not only to ensure compliance with regulatory guidelines, but also to minimize the risk to animal health. Protect the investment that you’ve made and keep pumps running smoothly with our repair and qualification services.

SAI also offers pump rental options. This is a great way to add to your capacity without adding to your equipment budget. Find out more here

SAI Offers:

  • Fast, cost effective, fully documented calibration services ensure pumps are performing to factory specifications.
  • Instruments can be assessed and repaired when any issues are encountered.
  • Battery replacement services are available for applicable pumps.
  • Expedited options and rental options are available for some models, so that you can keep working.
  • Our services cover our own pumps as well as those made by our partners. European manufactured pumps (i.e., Pegasus) can be calibrated in our offsite facility.
  • Avoid high fees, expensive shipping and long delays. Our technicians are fully qualified and special two day service is available. Call us at 847-356-0321, or fill out the form below for an estimate.
  • We can repair and/or calibrate the following models:


Catheter Access Buttons™

Catheter Access Ports™

CannuLock™ Tethers

CannuLock™ Adapters

Aluminum and Shunt Caps


Mouse CannuLock™ Buttons

Mouse CannuLock™ Ports

Mouse CannuLock™ Tethers

Mouse CannuLock™ Caps

CannuLock™ Adapters

Stabilizing Tool


Rat Infusion & Sampling

Rat Bile Collection

Rat Glucose Studies

Mouse Infusion & Sampling

Mouse Glucose Studies

Infusion Pumps

Syringe Pumps

Ambulatory Pumps

Cassettes & Reservoirs

Infusion Software

Extension Lines

Connectors & Luers

Lab Animal Catheters

Tail Vein Catheters

Rat Catheters

Mouse Catheters

Rabbit Catheters

Pig Catheters

Dog Catheters

Primate Catheters

Guinea Pig & Ferret Catheters

Catheter Access Tools

Rodent Ports & Buttons

Vascular Access Ports (VAPs)

Connectors & Plugs

Catheter Locking Solutions

Bulk Tubing

Swivels and Tethers

Rodent Swivels

Cage Mounts

Rodent Tethers

Large Animal Swivels

Large Animal Tethers

Surgical Supplies

Surgical Instruments

Surgical Accessories

AutoClip Components

Trocars & Introducers

Syringes & Needles

Prefilled Syringes

Blunt Needles

Huber Needles


Syringe with Needle

Catheter Locking Solution

Gavage Tubes

Rodent Feeding Needles

Canine Gavage Tubes

Blood Tubes

MicroTubes (<500uL)

Blood Tubes (>500uL)

Blood Collection Syringes


Vial Selection Guide

Harness & Jackets

Rodent Buttons

Rodent Harnesses

Rodent Jackets

Rodent Tail Cuffs

Large Animal Jackets & Pockets

Rstraints & Collars

Lab Animal Infusion

Rodent Continuous Infusion Systems

Rodent Intermittent Infusion Systems

Large Animal Tethered

Large Animal Ambulatory

Lab Animal Blood Collection

Rodent Blood Collection

Large Animal Blood Collection

Microvolume Blood Collection

ABS Blood Collection

Catheter Patency and Maintenance

Catheter Locking Solutions

Catheter Flushing Kits

Catheter Access Tools

Oral Gavage

Rodent Feeding Needles

Selection Guide for Rodents

Large Animal Feeding Tubes

Rat Bile Collection



Rodent Glucose Clamp

For Rats

For Mice

Pumps for GTT

Tubing & Connectors